Aug 15, 2008
Cherlyn's & Bobby's Birthdays
What with the birth of Michael and then being up in Oregon for almost a week, I never had the chance to post anything about their birthdays. That will be my first priority tomorrow!
Michael Update
Just talked to Cherlyn via iChat (thank you, Apple). She looks great and so does Michael. She says he's also acting great. They saw the pediatrician a little yesterday (remember, it's, or just finished being, morning there) and he told them that the cultures were downstairs in the lab and that nothing was growing yet. No idea yet what happened and it could end up being that way. There are several theories including, bacterial infection, apnea episode, acid reflux, and I'm not sure what else. The pediatrician explained that infants aren't able to "compartmentalize" illnesses the way we are. That means that if we have a problem with our lungs, it pretty much keeps to the lungs. With infants, it goes everywhere because their immune systems aren't up to snuff yet. The fact that he's a couple of weeks early could also have an effect on his immune system. The very earliest they would be released would be their Sunday afternoon but not to be at all surprised if it's longer. Rob is spending time with Bobby and doing special things. He explained to him that Michael was sick so Mommy's taking care of him in the hospital. Cherlyn says they're all doing better. They just want to know what happened. Cherlyn was awestruck at how far away, and spread out, the prayers have come from and they are both so appreciative. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Here are a few photos from our chat.

Here are a few photos from our chat.

Pray for Little Michael

It's taken me a day to get to this because yesterday was pretty much a "just get through the day" kind of day. Michael stopped breathing and turned blue yesterday morning (Calif time). Was it really just yesterday? Anyway, they called an ambulance and took him to the ER, then admitted him so he's currently in ICU and should be there a couple of days or so. He's doing very well now, eating, crying, sleeping, being awake, and all the other normal stuff. Sounds like you wouldn't even know anything had happened to him by the way he's behaving now. He'd been having indigestion and was fussy before they took him in. Also, Bobby's had a bit of a cough. Cherlyn says Rob has been doing fun stuff with Bobby while she and Michael are at the hospital. As far as I know Cherlyn's the only one who reads this, but if anyone else does, please continue to pray for Michael. We'd like to know what happened and it'd be just wonderful if it was something minor.
Aug 3, 2008
Let me introduce you to . . .

Aug 1, 2008
This pertains to my post below about sacrifices and such
I really thought I should print a sort of semi-retraction. I didn't end up doing what I thought I would do on the 4th of July. I did the opposite and had a wonderful day. Katie, Emma, and I went to the parade and then the barbecue and just had a great day. It was so much fun seeing so many of the kids I worked with through the years, since everyone seems to come home for Frontier Days. It was very good. That'll teach me, eh?
He's almost here!
Just got the word from Cherlyn and Rob. Cherlyn's been admitted (finally) to Labor and Delivery and Michael should be here today. Our prayers are that this labor does not go the way Bobby's did. Maybe I'll be posting a photo of my new grandson later today!
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